How can medical technology developers contribute to strengthening the Israeli biomed industry during this challenging time?


The Israeli ecosystem has solid and vast experience in supporting biomed companies throughout the clinical path. Relying on local sources can provide valuable boosts for innovation and collaboration opportunities while strengthening the local industry.

Why should you choose to work with local service providers?

  1. Innovation: Israel is known for its innovations in medical technology and healthcare. Israeli companies have developed and gained clearance for many medical devices, Leading the area of AI medical technologies and treatment methods used globally. You can benefit from this available cumulative experience.
  2. Expertise: Israel has a highly developed healthcare system with skilled medical professionals, experienced service providers, cutting-edge research institutions, and world-class hospitals. Israeli doctors and specialists are often at the forefront of medical innovation and research.
  3. Clinical Validation and Testing stage: Local clinical services provide an opportunity for biomedical technologies to undergo validation and testing in real-world clinical settings. Access to diverse patient populations and medical conditions enables developers to gather robust clinical data to demonstrate the safety, efficacy, and performance of their technologies, which at this early stage can be implemented solely locally.
  4. Research Collaboration, an advantage to patients: Israel encourages collaboration between hospitals, research institutions, and industry partners. This collaborative environment promotes the translation of cutting-edge research into clinical practice, allowing patients to benefit from the latest advancements in medical science.
  5. Proximity for Collaboration and Feedback: Being close to local clinical service providers allows biomedical technology developers to collaborate more efficiently in the local time zone. This proximity facilitates an easier exchange of knowledge, feedback, and insights while shortening timelines.
  6. Regulatory Requirements & Market Access: Being Accompanied by local regulators can provide valuable guidance and support in navigating regulatory requirements for local (and international) submissions. Collaborating with international experts could be initiated when needed. This way, budgets can be reduced.
  7. Continued Support and Maintenance: Maintaining close collaborations with local clinical services providers allows developers to be assisted with ongoing support to ensure optimal performance and usability of their technologies. Timely troubleshooting, software updates, and user training contribute to the successful integration and long-term sustainability of biomedical technologies in clinical settings.


Overall, working with local Israel clinical service providers can offer a range of benefits, including improved geographic accessibility, familiarity with health resources, personalized services for start-ups, better coordination, and better implementation of operations. These advantages can contribute to more effective and overall healthcare experiences for companies as well as stimulate and aid our economy.

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